Sunday, 20 February 2011

Setting up shop

So this week I have had the opportunity to think about starting to sell my Gingerbread Bunny products!  It is very exciting but extremley scary at the same time.  I am starting small and hopefully will be able to build it as I go.  One day I hope to set up workshops for adults and children based around my crafting skills but that us some way in the future yet. I have made some products to sell, handmade cards and photo albums/journals/scrap book things and hope to build up this stock as I go introducing some sewn goods aswell (thanks Mum for the very cool Sewing with Confidence folders you collected years ago!)
If you have any ideas of places I can sell my wares then please post below.

1 comment:

  1. You are already looking at Folksy aren't you? What about local craft markets or even Summer Fairs - it's the right time to start planning for them! X
