Friday, 15 April 2011

We live on a farm!

Well, not literally but it often feels that way!  Whilst I drink my cup of tea after a long day at work, I thought it would be nice to share a little part of my non-crafty life with you, my love of animals.  I have always had pets.  As a child, we had dogs and cats and, when I was a teenager, I had some beautiful tropical fish.  When me and my husband moved into a rented house, we weren't allowed animals.  It was a long 3 years and once we were able to buy our own place within a month we had bought our first pets, the bunnies!

This week we 'acquired' a new addition to our mini farm; Lucozade the Goldfish.  How we acquired him is a very long story but let's just say he wasn't planned and so is currently residing in a large tupperware box in the living room.  He seems very happy and will shortly be moving to a more appropriate abode, complete with shipwreck, skull and hopefully one of those little treasure chests that opens and closes.  Of course, no goldfish home would be complete without funky coloured gravel!

Lucozade the Goldfish!
Over the years, our little farm has expanded.  There are the bunnies, the inspiration behind my crafty name.  (Check out my past blog post, What's in a name?,  with lots of information about these two gorgeous bunnies!  

We also have 4 guinea pigs, Starsky and Hutch and Bodie and Doyle.  Bodie was a rescued guniea pig, Doyle was a baby pig when we got him and Starsky and Hutch where rehomed by a lady who could no longer look after them.  They are all very affectionate and love cuddles. 

Doyle after his bath
 Fred is our surviving hamster.  He used to have a 'friend', George, who passed away a while ago (although they fought and had to be separated so I'm not so sure Fred really noticed!) Fred is my husbands, along with his collection of Giant African Land Snails. 

Fred the hamster (not too impressed at being woken up to have his picture taken)

Snails (They are enormous)

This is the farm so far, not bad for a 2 up 2 down terrace house in the north of England! In the not too distant future we hope to expand with the addition of some chickens in our yard. 


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