Wednesday, 10 August 2011

All buttoned up!

I hope everyone is well and that you have all been getting up to lots of crafting!  I am writing this whilst eating some scrumptious homemade shortbread (The recipe is Lorraine Pascale's Dreamlike Shortbread from the Baking Made Easy programme and it is scrumptious!)

Recently, I read a great post by Martine of iMake all about buttons. She had been making buttons with shrink plastic and Fimo (oven bake clay) and if you are interested in buttons then check out her posts Button Love, First Attempt at Fimo Buttons, Making Buttons and The Gift of Buttons

I loved the idea of making my own buttons and managed to get some Sculpey (another make of oven bake clay) from a local craft store and so set about to make some buttons and some beads.  Here is how I did it!

I began by rolling out the clay using a typical kitchen rolling pin.  I discovered that it is important not to roll it to thinly as it becomes bendy when baked.  Thicker is better!

Don't roll it too thin!

I didn't have any special clay cutters and raided the kitchen drawers for suitable shaped and sized implements for cutting out my buttons.  I used a icing pipe to make circular buttons, the top off a cocktail stick box to make my square buttons and cookie cutters I had in to cut out star and bunny shapes!  I made the beads by rolling into shape and then sticking a cocktail stick through the middle for the whole.  I had lots of fun experimenting with my implements to create texture on the buttons to.

I also experimented with mixing the 2 colours together.  You can get some great swirly effects.

I then baked the buttons and beads in the oven for around 30 minutes.  I used a baking tray covered with baking paper as I was worried they may stick, although now I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have done.  Once they where firm I left them to cool and there you have it!  Gorgeous buttons and beads to adorn my future makes.

If you fancy having a go at making your own buttons and beads, oven bake clay is a really easy and cheap way to do it and lots of fun!

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