Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Seven things about me!

If you read my last rather self indulgent post, Me Me Me, I mentioned that I was the very lucky receiver of the Irresistibly Sweet Blog Award from the gorgeous Ali of the Random Wooliness blog (I love that name!) 

Ali has informed me that I now need to tell you seven things about me (which you might or might not already know) and then I am to nominate seven blogs to pass the award onto! 

Seven Things about Me

1.  I used to be an Air Cadet and learnt how to fly a plane amongst other exciting things. 

2.  When I am not crafting I am a tribal bellydancer.

3.  I love to read children's books because they are so well written.  Harry Potter, The Spooks books and the Alan Garner boxset all feature on my bookshelf.

4.  I am a primary school teacher and currently teach Year 6 (that is top juniors to any one over 25!)

5.  I once stood next to Victoria Beckham in Mango in the Trafford Centre.  I was so shocked that I just walked out of the shop quickly and stared through the door at her.

6.  As a teenager I attended a science day at Edge Hill university where I discussed forces with Johnny Ball (Famous TV kids scientist and father of Zoe Ball!)  I also met my now best friend there to!

7.  I was once a regional finalist in Junior Master Chef (and I have the certificate to prove it!)

So, there you have it, seven things you may or may not know about me!

Passing the award on!

As per the instructions, I am now to pass the award onto seven deserving blogs.  Now then, if I pass it on to you there is no pressure to do anything - you may just bask in the glory of your award!  The following blogs are ones that I love and which I really think are worth you taking a look at!

1.  Shinybees 
Shinybees, who is now living in deepest darkest South Africa, writes a really fab blog all about her crafting.  Her posts often make me laugh out loud and are always informative!

2.  Random Wooliness
I am going to pass the award right back to you.  Not only do I love the name but I love the blog.  Ali writes about felting, a craft I'd love to try, and her blog is well worth a look!

3.  Expressive Souls
The lady who introduced me to Art Journaling.  Indigo (AKA Tracy) writes very openly and beautifully about her art journaling journey.

4.  iMake
Not only does iMake have a fabulous blog about all manner of crafty things, but she also podcasts!

5.  Julia Crossland
A gorgeous arty blog with amazing posts that really get you thinking and remind you that you aren't the only one who struggles with your creativity at times.  Julia also began and runs the fabulous Being Creative project.

6.  Dyan Reaveley
Dyan is the owner of the beautiful Art from the Heart in Harrogate, is a designer of beautiful stamps and journaling goodies and has even been on QVC!  Her blog is full of inspiration.

7.  Tribal Pilgrims
In a way it is kind of giving myself an award as this is the blog of my tribe, Sakura.  However, i don't actually write the posts (in fact I haven't written any), they are written by my tribal partner in crime, my Mum.  If you want to know more about tribal bellydance then hop on over!

So hopefully, you have now discovered at least 1 new blog to follow!


  1. I'd like to think that the infamous egg box is where the craftiness started! AND it survived a 2m drop. Several times. Here's to 15 years and that melted Galaxy bar in my adidas trackie top pocket! Damn you, chips and gravy.

    P.S. I apologise to the probably hundreds of other Gingerbread Bunny blog readers who are wondering what the blinking heck I'm talking about...

  2. OOh Sarah! I love your 7 things!! What a variety!..the comment from Shinybees just adds to the excitement of number 6...though it could possibly be 1 or 7...that would be fun!!
    Thanks for all your lovely comments - and I am basking!!
    The name of my blog organically formed from a family conversation at the dinner table one day...the two chaps didn't like my original name so we threw some ideas around and RW was created!!
    Off to chaeck out your other awardees!!
    Have a good week
    Ali x

  3. sarah!!! you are so awesome! i LOVE your 7 things! a couple of them i knew, but oh, so many other secrets i now know about you! Junior master chef! whoo hoo!
