Wednesday, 22 August 2012

New look blog!

Hopefully you will have noticed that the blog looks just a little bit different!  I decided that I wanted a new look to it and, as I was browsing the templates on Blogger I found this one.  I love the simplicity of it and the cleaness - if a blog can be clean - and so set about to customise it in 'Bunny colours'.

I would have liked to have been able to add an image to the blog title, alas I can't do this (I hope you are listening Blogger) but apart from that, I like the look of it and the fact that my stand alone pages can now be seen and accessed much more easily!

To help you out with navigating the blog, here are a few tips!

1)  On the right hand side there is a black bar which, if you hover over it, opens up to include my links to the blog feed, blogs I follow and my favourite sites!

2)  To read the entire blog post, just click on the link on the front page and it will open up.  If you scroll to the bottom of the post, you will find comments - click on this and you can read any comments and add your own!

3)  Hiding in the top right hand corner is a search box (for some reason it doesn't say search on it and I can't add it either!)  If you want to find posts about crochet, just type in crochet, hit return and it will bring all those posts up!

Feel free to let me know what you think about the new look blog - do you like it or hate it?  Do you think anything needs changing?  Would you like to see anything else on her?

Thanks for reading!

Sarah x


  1. Hi Sarah,
    Love the look of your new blog!
    From my side of the page I can see 'Search' in the box and I can alter the look of the whole blog via the top left button on the bar..magazine, classic, flipcard etc!
    Exciting stuff! Looking forward to hearing about your many projects...
    Hope the beginning of term goes smoothly
    Ali x

  2. It's gorgeous, really nice. I totally want to change my theme to something like this, but I'm scared of taking the leap!

    I've done a Follow Friday style blog-post today, and I've featured your blog on it. I'd love it if you could recommend three blogs to me that you love to read, but if you don't have time that's no problem at all. (The blog is if you want to check it out.)

    Thank you for being a source of inspiration to me!

    Corrie xx

  3. Thanks Ali - I'm glad that you can see search! Oooh, thats exciting - it is pretty cool that people can change the look of the blog to suit them, what a great feature! I'm all for people adapting things to suit them.
    Corrie, you just have to take the plunge. The danger is that you will spend hours and hours and hours on something you planned to spend 1 hour on. Put aside a day! Thank you so much for featuring me on your Follow Friday blog post - I feel so honoured. It is rather humbling to be called a source of inspiration!
