Thursday, 14 August 2014

Fame at Last!

I'm famous! Well, I made it into the paper not once, but twice this week.

My first feature was in the 'What's On' section of the Wigan Evenng Post sharing information about my studio open day this Saturday!

The second was far more exciting.  A few weeks ago, I was contacted by a local journalist who had seen my poster about my studio on Twitter and wanted to do a story on me.  They sent a photographer who took some crazy and quirky photos, which I just love, and then this week the story was featured and it takes up half a page!  It is a lovely write up (yes there are a few spelling mistakes but who cares?!) and I'm very grateful to them for featuring me and giving me a boost as I start my new venture!  

1 comment:

  1. Fab publicity Sarah
    Hope all goes really well with your open day - and many locals have fun with yarn and feltiness!!
    Will be thinking of you
    Ali x
