Tuesday, 31 December 2013

... and in with the new

In my last post, I reviewed 2013 (if you missed it, you can read all about it here

The start of a New Year is a chance to set intentions for the coming 12 months.  To think about what you want to get out of the New Year.  I often choose a word or a quote to inspire me throughout the year - I will share this with you in a future post.

As in previous years, I'm going to set myself a crafty resolution - yes this year it's just 1 but it's going to take all my willpower to succeed with this one!


Every crafter has a stash.  Every crafter needs a stash, items that you can just go and grab when you need them.  However. my stash has gotten a little out of control.  It is enormous!

 I have boxes of yarn, fabric, buttons, ribbons, paper and don't even get me started on the number of sketch and note books I've got.  My craft room is like a small branch of Hobbycraft!

In 2014 I'm going to use up the stash.  I'm only going to buy new if I NEED it (that's NEED not WANT!) so if I need it for my City and Guilds course or for an order (and of course, I can have a small budget for Woolfest).

I have some amazing goodies hidden away that desperately need to be turned into something beautiful and be admired.

I'm pretty certain that this is a resolution I can work with and I will share with you what I've been making with my extensive stash. 

Have you got any crafty resolutions for 2014?  Do you want to join in me in my liberation of the stash?


  1. I have had great fun using up my stash over the last year Sarah...there's still loads more to go so I'll be carrying on!
    The fabulous Linda is hosting a second year of stashbusting support over on her blog...http://lindacraftycorner.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/stash-busting-for-stashaholics.html
    Have fun!!
    Ali x

    1. I'll definitley check out that blog. My yarn stash is a more healthy size than it was last year and a lot of beautiful skiens have been liberated. However, it has just been increased thanks to a swap parcel I received this morning although at least it hasn't cost me much!
