Monday, 30 December 2013

Out with the old ....

As 2013 draws to a close its out with the old!  I love spending a little bit of time, at the end of a year, reflecting on the events of the previous year.

So, how has your 2013 been?  

I can honestly say that my 2013 has been crazy in an amazing way and, when I look back at it, has been one of the best years I've had in a while.  There have been so many new challenges and opportunities and it makes me see the decisions I made in 2012 as the right ones.

As you may remember, I made 3 crafty New Years Resolutions at the end of last year - lets take a look at how successful, or not, I've been with these.

1. To sew myself a skirt!
I had some Amy Butler fabric, which I bought in the sale way back in 2012.  I'm pleased to say that it is now a skirt!  The most beautiful A-line maxi skirt perfect for wearing in the hot weather, or with boots in winter.  I used a great book,Sew What! Skirts , which clearly teaches you how to make your own pattern for an a-line and straight skirt.  It was really easy to do and I can't wait to make a straight, needlecord skirt in the New Year.

2.  To develop The Gingerbread Bunny through: a website, teaching workshops and selling at craft fairs.
The Gingerbread Bunny has definitley grown in 2013 - having the time to dedicate to it has been a great advantage in this!  I've taught private crochet workshops in a lovely cafe in Wigan and now teach crochet classes as part of the adult education programme which will continue in 2014 with a second beginners class (my first was oversubscribed) and, fingers crossed, an improvers class to.
I have sold at a few craft fairs this year.  I've experienced the good and the bad of these.  My best fair was one I paid a little bit more for for me stall but was by far the most successful and, even better, I received great feedback on my items.
In terms of a website, I'm not there yet.  I've improved my blog to make finding information easier but really, I need a website.  I've delegated this task to Mr Bunny for 2014.

3. To blog regularly.
Ok - I started off well but, towards the middle of the year, failed miserably.  So, I've decided not to force myself into blogging regularly.  I will blog when I feel that I need to and not in a timetabled way.  I'm going to use the Blogger App on my phone to blog on the move which may mean more short posts to share what I'm making or what I've seen rather than committing to weekly, longer posts.  I do want to write more tutorials this year so keep an eye out for those.

Overall, I'm quite pleased with how I've done with my crafty resolutions - how did you do with yours?

Keep an eye out for tomorrows post all about my resolution for 2014.

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